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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
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Project Gallery

Project Gallery

Q CHEM 2130 M6A1: Educational Media Project Learning outcomes. This project fulfills the following learning outcomes: MLO 6.1 Create visual and/or audio content to educate a target population about the facts of drug use and prevent drug abuse. (CLO 5) MLO 6.2 Communicate the basic pharmacology of psychoactive drugs and how they modify brain physiology and impact behaviors. (CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3) Groups are optional. The Educational Medial Project (M6A1 and M6A2) can be completed either individually or in groups of 2-3 students. Regardless of whether you work alone or in a group you must sign up for a group to open the assignment submission folder for M6A2. For instructions see: How to Self Enroll in a Group. Project overview Create a media piece that raises awareness about a drug of abuse and works to educate a target audience about the physiological and psychological effects of drug use. The goal is to make a prevention piece that teaches people about a psychoactive drug in hopes to decrease its use. Embrace your artistic side! Media options include: a video (2-4 min), tik-tok/ Instagram reel, website, audio, pamphlet, poster, song, something else! (Let’s discuss your idea.) What you present and how you present it should be informed by the characteristics of your target audience and the purpose of your project. Emotional appeal, humor, and/or effective stories are encouraged, but make sure your project has CONTENT and does not rely solely on logically fallacies. The focus should be on facts and pharmacology. There needs to be some educational purpose to the presentations. As an example, you may remember Rachel Leigh Cook bashing around with a cast iron pan, saying “this is your brain on heroin.” A very effective commercial; however, it didn’t actually say anything. If it had included factual reasons why heroin is harmful to the brain and body, then it would have had some educational value. Contents/ What to include Required contents include the pharmacology of the psychoactive drug you selected and how it effects brain physiology and impacts behaviors. This includes topics such as the mechanism of action, acute and chronic effects, addiction/reward, routes of administration, etc. Additionally, your project should have: • A clear message and compelling call to action. This is so important! See the M6A2. What do you want your audience to take away from your work and what behaviors do you want it to change? All of the content in your project should reinforce the message and call to action. • A strong hook at the beginning to get viewers’ attention (use visual effects, emotional response, humor, surprise) • A clear purpose and message • Accurate information/facts, supported by references • A compelling call to action at the end • Content that is appropriate for presentation to the class Where to start & What to do • Pick a topic that is important to you and one you can visualize. • Develop a clear message. • Watch some public services announcements (PSAs) Determine the message and how visuals and audio were used to convey it. [You are not creating a PSA, but the ideas and process are similar.] Also see the videos posted in the “extras” folder of Module 6 that integrate brain physiology, behaviors, and drug use. • Research to learn about your target audience and gather current, up to date, facts on your drug. You want to be convincing and accurate. • Give your project a meaningful title. • Create a storyboard (script with ideas for visual content). How can you share your information in a memorable, and perhaps dramatic, way? • Develop your content. Film your video, make your poster, etc. • Revise and Edit. **Note: Work on the M6A2: Project insights (summary, justification, and reflection) assignment concurrently. It will help you plan and focus your project. Help/Guidance • Review the associated grading rubric. • M6D0: HELP! is a discussion board where you can ask questions about the project, technology, or anything else (… well anything else related to the project.) • M6D1: Project Check-in Meeting (Due 11/3). 2 pts. Email me to arrange a ~20 min meeting over Zoom. We should meet between 10/31 and 11/3. Days are easier for me, but I am willing to meet in the evenings too. We can find a meeting time that is compatible with your schedule. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss your project and ensure it is “on the right track” and will fulfill the requirements. Before your meeting, have your target population, drug, message, and type of media selected. The more details/plans you have the more feedback I can provide. Submit and Share your Work • Submit your media project M6A1: Project Gallery discussion board. Post your project (or a link to it) and/or upload the file (in the files tab). Include an abstract (1 paragraph, < 200 words) of your project that summarizes your target population, drug, message, and approach. Notes on related assignments: • Also complete the M6A2: Project Insights (summary, justification, and debriefing) assignment. • For M6A3, you will review 2 projects: 1 will be assigned to you and 1 you can select. Grading. Please see the rubric below. 8 pts total.

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